In situ installations & sculptures
Rubick`s Cube / Tidal Flow Art / Library of Athens School of Fine Arts / Athens 2021
No matter what kind of harassment, it gets defined by the “no”. The consent sets the limit. A no is a no, even if it has to to with a harmless water-splash by a water-pistol. The water-pistol as a symbol of chasteness implies any kind of brutality, even if it has a “phallic shape”, or just a verbal one.
A project about sexual harassment curated by Jenny Tsoumpri.
Photo credits: Stratis Stamatakos
Park of Nea Smyrni / Ionian Festival / 2020
Christina-Sylvia Simantira creates out of the shell of colored, useless, plastic pots a hanging living room. The pots are becoming useless, they get recomposed and form a flat surface, that re- creates one side of a piece of furniture, like a hanging poster, without any functional value.
Our home, the place where we live, our “living-room”, our planet, is not only a good-looking frame, that we shape according to our needs. The shell is as important as the content.
The environmental ethics are, even nowadays still searching to find out which position in the hierarchy of the priorities of the contemporary human it takes. For him it doesn’t seem obvious to show respect towards himself and his cohabitants on this planet-home. The dangerous behavior towards the environment affects negatively not only our “living room”, but also all its habitants , which means ourselves, our fellow human beings, the nature and all the living species.
An artwork created for the art competition for the Hellenic Public Power Corporation (DEH) / Athens 2021
“A dad, a worker at height who uses fall protection equipment to work ,wears the wings his daughter gave him at work!”
330cm*100cm., mock-up paper, cables, LED lights